Some professors from Brigham Young University wanted to help the people of Honduras following a devastating hurricane named Mitch and H.E.L.P. Honduras was founded in 1999. Today HELP International serves people in El Salvador, India, Fiji, Uganda, Tanzania, Peru, Belize and Thailand.
As volunteers we will will be able to see what the people of Uganda need and submit project proposals in order to turn our ideas into realities. We might teach people the skills that they need to plant and grow a garden for their family, not only so they have food for themselves to eat but also so they can sell the excess and earn some income. We might teach them how to brush their teeth or even how to wash their hands and set up a hand washing station. We might even build a school or a classroom. The goal is not to simply fix the symptom of the problem but to target and fix the problem itself with things that the people of Uganda will be able to continue even after we leave the country.
I am excited to be a part of HELP International and this life changing experience. I feel very fortunate to have the things that I have such as reliable internet access and cell phone service and I want to use some of the resources that I have to help others. Uganda seems like a good place to start.
We must be the change we wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi
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