Thursday, March 24, 2011

Diseases, Parasites and Safety

A few people have asked me about the parasites in Uganda and if I am going to come home with some kind of weird disease.  Yes, it is true that there are several different kinds of parasites and diseases in Africa that my body is not used to because they aren't prevalent in the United States.   But does this mean I am going to contract some weird illness that no one has ever heard of?  

Absolutely not!  That is why I got a bunch of shots and will be taking anti malaria medication.  I won't get bitten by any wild animals, I have managed to avoid getting bit by an animal my whole life and don't know why being in Africa would make that any different :)

HELP International has been doing this for a long time and they know how to keep us safe.  There are two country directors that are basically in charge while we are in Uganda, they will arrive in Uganda a week before anyone else does.  They will find and rent a house for us to live in, hire a guard and hire a cook.  The house will be in a safe part of town and must have certain safety features such as working locks.  We have to be inside by dark and the guard will be outside from seven at night to seven in the morning.  I will always be with someone else and will never go anywhere by myself.  I will still have my common sense and be able to use my own good judgment if I am ever in a situation that I don't want to be in.

The bottom line is that I will be safe and I am not going to get some crazy sickness.


  1. glad you will be safe ;) you sure about the common sense though? i know your a little crazy and all ;) love ya girlie

  2. Ha Ha I try not to get to crazy :)
