Monday, July 25, 2011

More Pictures!!

I woke up early on my last full day in Lugazi to walk around with Andrea and take pictures.  Enjoy!

My friend Lydia

I gave the blanket that my grandma sent me with to Beatrice, a nice lady I met at the market

Lydia's son Jonathan

Jonathan making porridge

Streets of Lugazi

Eric making me a rolex

Eric, me and my rolex

Rolex- basically chapati and egg

Me with Lydia's kids--Patience, Trest and Jonathan


Lydia's Family

Cute little girl

Last supper :(


  1. wow its like looking at pictures of haiti. they have so little. it tears at my heart.

  2. Awesome, awesome! Amazing how we sometimes get stuck in our little bubble and forget how other parts of the world are. Those kids are sooo cute!
