Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things I Look Forward to When I Get Home

  • Hug my family
  • Wear a seatbelt
  • Take a long, hot shower with no one rushing me
  • Eat a steak
  • Eat an apple
  • Have a sleepover with my sister
  • Get a pedicure
  • Give and hug my doggies
  • Sleep in my own bed
  • Have my own room and space
  • Step on American soil :)
I'm sure there is more but this is what I can think of off the top of my head


    1. so close yet so far away. i will have to accomplish one of those things on your list with you ;)

    2. What did Bernard think of the eye glasses? Or even the book bags and class room type stuff? Chalk boards?

    3. You forgot "have lunch with my dear friends, eat italian ice and get lotion samples" ;)

    4. I didn't even get a chance to ask Bernard about any of those things. He is set on opening some type of book shop which he is already working on building. I never did figure out how I could help him. On Saturday we are doing an eye/dental camp and will be giving out glasses to people then. His school actually seems to be pretty well off comparatively.

    5. Erica all of those things are for sure on my list, I just didn't have time to write everything. Can't wait for lunch! I'll be home soon so start planning :)

    6. I love Erica's comment! Can't wait to see you!
